Loan Kien emphasises the need for a solid marketing foundation for business success and suggests it should include consistent branding, strategic messaging, effective communication and focus on website optimisation, social media, email marketing automation, and Facebook and Instagram ads.
It takes a lot to build a successful business. What product or service are you offering? How will you guarantee the supply? How are you connecting with your customers? Where will your website be hosted? Will you have a physical storefront, too?
One element that must not be overlooked is building a solid marketing foundation. Just ask Loan Kien, founder of marketing strategy and consulting agency The Digital Octopus.
“A solid marketing foundation is the one thing that separates a business from a fast-growing and thriving business,” she explains.
“Having worked with many small businesses, I know that most business owners think marketing means having a website and building a following on social media. The truth? Marketing is more than that.”
Loan, who shares her expertise as a mentor through the Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory Services program, says marketing is a multi-faceted must-have for any successful business.
“Consistent branding, strategic brand messaging, and effective communication through carefully selected marketing channels are critical to building brand awareness, attracting the right type of customers, and converting them into buyers and loyal customers,” she says.
“Too often, busy business owners wear many hats in their business, and with a good product, they can move along just fine without a proper marketing system in place. So marketing is usually put on the back burner until the growth quickly plateaus.”
Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t fret. A solid marketing foundation can be built by every business, regardless of where you’re at in your journey.
“In the past, from the first interaction with your business to the moment the customers make any purchase, customers only need about 7 touch points with your business before they commit. Now, it takes up to 30 touchpoints with many competitors vying for their attention,” says Loan.
“That’s why it is important for you to build a streamlined and sustainable marketing ecosystem to help you create an impactful engagement with your potential customers at every touch point.”
Loan recommends focusing on five key things to build a solid marketing foundation:
- Clarify your brand messaging to position you as the go-to brand
Optimise your website for conversion to turn visitors into buyers and clients
Have an organic social media content strategy in place to attract new customers and nurture existing customers
Use email marketing automation for conversion, drive traffic to the website and build a direct relationship with your customers
Use Facebook and Instagram ads to expand your reach, increase website traffic and scale your sales
“The idea of having to master your social media content creation, Facebook ads, and email marketing might make you feel overwhelmed,” she says.
“But once done, they will work together like a well-oiled machine to help you take your business to the next level!”
“Creating and building a solid marketing foundation is one of the most important things you can do as a business owner. Having a holistic marketing system allows you to clearly articulate who you are, what your brand is about, and why you should be the go-to choice for your ideal customers,” Loan says.
“Just like building a house, you start with a strong foundation and build from there -because the foundation provides you with the base you need for sustainable and long-term business growth.”
If you want more expert insights from a MIC mentor, register for the Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory services program for three hours of 1:1 mentoring time, along with access to online courses and future-focused workshops.