Digital Solutions Business Feature: Tara C Moore Photography

“I don’t think I’ve ever fitted into the 9-5 rat race. I love running my own business because I feel more of an ability to be who I want to be.” - Tara C Moore, Founder of Tara C Moore Photography

If you've an appreciation for aesthetically-pleasing fashion, interiors, portraiture and photography - you’ll be a fan of Tara Moore’s work.

The Ballarat-based commercial and editorial photographer has been capturing moments and turning them into memories for 20 years.

With a unique ability to make people happy and comfortable in front of the camera to make beautiful portraits, Tara’s business has been in high demand.

“What sets my work apart is my connection to the people I work with and for,” Tara says.

“I’m a happy and friendly person, with a good sense of fun and a genuine desire to meet people at their level; to give people the space to be themselves.”
When Tara ‘took the plunge’ into self employment four years ago, she knew a digital presence was important.

“My business has always been online,” she explains.

“Having a website and an online presence was the most important thing to establish at that time. I established it right at the start as one of the first things I did.”

Though Tara was quick to set up her website and Instagram account, the successful creative had no digital strategy in place.

Looking to increase her online visibility - Tara joined the Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory Services program.

“I was desperate for help in understanding the best moves to increase my online presence,” she reflects.

“I want to be the first business [that shows up] when people are looking for a commercial photographer.”

Utilising both the workshops and mentoring services, Tara was able to improve her digital presence.

“I learned a lot more than I thought I would, [the program] goes above and beyond really. I learned I need to talk about myself and my services more - by creating blogs and more content for Instagram.”

“I also learned how to control and improve my SEO. [I found] the SEO information most valuable; [learning] what it all means. I had no idea the scale of it!”

Tara has also implemented social media strategies including Instagram stories, plus boosted her SEO by creating a blog and an FAQ page on her website.

The dynamic and creative photographer says she plans to do much more.

Would Tara recommend the Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory Services program to others?

In a word: “Absolutely!”

Tara C Moore Photography is based in Ballarat, Victoria, and services both Melbourne and Ballarat’s surrounding areas. If you’re interested in growing your business with the Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory Services program, see here
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