Digital Solutions Business Feature: Event Kit

“I love that sense of satisfaction that comes from bringing my own ideas to life, and knowing that I have built something real and wonderful that customers want to buy - just from the seed of an idea.” - Rachella Thomas, Founder of Event Kit 

If there’s one thing Rachella Thomas knows, it’s how to create an event you’ll remember. With over 20 years’ experience in the events industry, the Torquay resident built Event Kit into an award-winning agency with high profile clients including Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, Commonwealth Games, Royal Melbourne Show, and the Australian Open - to name a few.

But when COVID-19 hit, her world turned upside down.

“It instantly wiped out my calendar of events. I had to let go of my team, end my office lease and store my business equipment in our home garage,” Rachella reflects.

“Following a month spent in shock on the couch, I knew I had to pull myself together and do something productive. Having been a small business owner for many years, I knew I had the resilience to turn this disaster into an opportunity. Which is exactly what I did!”
Rachella came up with an idea to develop Event Kit into a resource for other event planners and emerging event businesses, to share her expertise and help guide them to plan ‘their best events with ease and confidence’.

“I spent every day of lockdown learning new skills in technology, digital marketing and design to then launch my new e-commerce store and training platform with global reach. No longer a traditional event management agency, I have pivoted Event Kit into a digital resource for event planners and event businesses.”

Event Kit provides planners with time-saving templates and tools designed for event management. Ready to use and easy to customise, the tailor-made agency-designed tools provide planners with a plan that ‘feels almost effortless’.

“Event Kit is an event agency with a difference,” Rachella explains.

“We are empowering event planners around the world to chase their dreams. In short, you bring the idea, and we’ll guide you through the rest. As far as I know, there is no other event agency in the world that is dedicated to upskilling event planners and event businesses in the way we do.”
Event Kit’s impressive success hasn’t come without hard work. Prior to the pandemic, Rachella admits she didn’t give much thought to her online presence and had a ‘very weak digital marketing strategy’ - as her client base came from word of mouth.

Hoping to gain clarity, develop a strategy and continue to build the Event Kit brand, she found Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory Services.

“When I decided to create an online store of event planning templates and training, I knew I had A LOT to learn. That’s where resources like the Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory Services program were invaluable for me. 

“There is so much to consider, and I found the webinars a great resource to point me in the right direction. I then identified my big area of weakness - digital marketing. It was great to dive in with a mentor to develop a strategic vision, instead of winging it on my own!”

In addition to the webinars and 1:1 mentoring, Rachella found the seminars with other successful business owners highly useful and inspiring.

“Hearing the stories of other business owners helps me feel connected and part of something bigger than just me sitting in my office,” she says.

“Digital Solutions are central to pretty much all new businesses now, and it’s essential we have a good understanding. It’s tough running a small business - we have so many things to consider, and so I really appreciate having the Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory Services as a central resource to go to, it makes it a lot easier!”

In spite of the challenges small business owners overcome, Rachella says the effort is unequivocally worthwhile.

“I love running my own business for so many reasons! I love being able to choose my own hours, choose where I work and I love being able to live in a coastal town - far away from the rush of the city.”

“However, the main reason I love running my own business is that I have built something real and wonderful that lots of customers want to buy - just from the seed of an idea. The sense of achievement is incredible.

Event Kit is based in Torquay, Victoria, but services event planners and businesses worldwide. If you’re interested in growing your business with the Digital Solutions - Australian Small Business Advisory Services program, see here
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