Digital Solutions Business Feature: InSync Therapies
Digital Solutions

Appleton joined the Business Resilience program in August 2020, with her small
business InSync Therapies. She is a Remedial Massage and NST Bowen Therapist.
“It has given me motivation and confidence to grow my business and think outside the square. Things that used to be daunting now seem achievable and not so complicated.”
After working in the remedial therapy industry for over 10 years, Hazel started her own business 4 years ago, but only took the plunge to work exclusively on her own at the start of the year. She works holistically to treat the body as a whole and looks at all factors that could be attributing to a client’s complaint.
“It has given me motivation and confidence to grow my business and think outside the square. Things that used to be daunting now seem achievable and not so complicated.”
After working in the remedial therapy industry for over 10 years, Hazel started her own business 4 years ago, but only took the plunge to work exclusively on her own at the start of the year. She works holistically to treat the body as a whole and looks at all factors that could be attributing to a client’s complaint.
Hazel finds the plus side for working for herself is flexibility and the ability to direct the business the way she wants it to go. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has hit her business hard.
“Due to the hands-on nature of my work, it will never be an online business,” Hazel says. “I have not been able to practice at all because of the restrictions—so 100% of my income has disappeared.”
Despite this, when the pandemic struck, Hazel looked to strengthen her online activities. She came across the Business Resilience program via a positive testimony on a local Facebook group, and decided to participate.
“Through the program,” Hazel says, “I have increased my online presence, including my following and online interaction with clients and possible future clients, and come up with strategies for some other avenues of income online to compliment my face-to-face business.”
InSync Therapies had an existing online presence on social media, and with help from the program, Hazel has developed a plan for moving forward with her website and online services.
In September, Hazel virtually attended two Business Resilience program workshops: Working on Wellbeing and Marketing during a Crisis: Social Media Marketing.
These have taught her, “That I can have an online presence and look to earn some income from it. That I am qualified enough and worthy enough of giving people a glimpse into what I know to educate them about their bodies and overall wellbeing.” Hazel appreciated the ability to choose her own mentor from the detail descriptions.
“Their guidance and knowledge applied perfectly to my needs,” she says. “It’s given me the motivation and confidence to grow my business and think outside the square. Things that used to be daunting now seem achievable and not so complicated."
Insync Therapies online
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